Lead Management: Calls, texts, and chats in one easy workflow
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Contact management that will make your spreadsheets jealous
Classify and qualify contacts while you’re talking to them
Any member of your team can tag contacts, assign scores, take notes, and even qualify leads during or after a conversation, right from the call screen. Want AI to do the lead management work for you?
Lead Center’s built-in Conversation Intelligence transcribes and analyzes calls, then tags, scores, and qualifies leads automatically.
Follow each step of every customer’s journey
Every customer call, form submission, live chat, and text message is right there for you and your team to reference. Milestones — like first touch and qualification — are highlighted for quick reference.
Lead Center timeline insights give you the confidence to go for the close. And you never have to ask, “why are you calling today?”
TJ Meaney,
Online Sales Counselor, DR Horton
"With CallRailʼs Lead Center, our lead management went from a free-for-all, firing from the hip situation to an organized, strategized, and thought-out workflow."
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The answer is call flow automation — an intuitive point-and-click flow builder for determining who to ring, when to ring them, what to do if they’re not available, and more. Making changes on the fly is as easy as updating your availability in the Lead Center mobile app.
Yes! Lead Center’s communications management tools make sure every call is answered in a fair and orderly manner. For example, you can choose to route callers to individual agents, “simulcall” to all available agents at once, or “round robin” to selected agents.