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SmartBi is a platform launched in 2022 by a team of experts in development, data science and Business Intelligence in Canada.

Supercharge your Call Tracking Insights with SmartBi Dashboards

SmartBi centralizes and simplifies the analysis of all your digital ecosystem with ready-to-use, easy-to-understand dashboards. When integrated with CallRail, SmartBi gives you super powers and extensive analytics capabilities to track what gets your phone ringing.

Why use SmartBi dashboards?

Data centralization

We centralize and structure your data so that you get an overview of all your digital channels along with key performance indicators, without any effort on your part. Integrating callrail couldn’t be easier.

Allow metrics from all channels to interact

SmartBI standardizes your data and your data structures so that multichannel indicators can be created and give you a holistic view of your digital universe.

Easy to understand dashboards

No need to master 10 separate platforms. All SmartBi dashboards are constructed using the same formatting approach and so that once you understand one you understand them all. You will see more clearly without the need for a PhD on the subject.

Maximize the impact of your actions

Our dashboards highlight the state of your digital ecosystem so that you can easily see the impact of your actions and identify opportunities and determine your best practices. If getting your phone to ring is a priority, SmartBI + Callrail is the way to go!

How does it work?

SmartBi makes it easy to implement business intelligence tools, no matter the size of your business.

  1. Open your FREE account, browse through our demos
    With your free account, start using SmartBI dashboards in our demo environment.
  2. Connect your own sources FREE for 30 days
    When you’re ready, connect your own data sources and start using your live dashboards. Your first 30 days are free and start when your first source is connected.
  3. Pay only for your connected sources
    As a SmartBi Partner, Callrail has negotiated a special package for its customers allowing you to pay only for the sources you use rather than the standard 4 source minimum! You can have access to every Callrail connected dashboard for only 45$USD a month. If you need additional sources connected (Facebook, Google Analytics, Shopify...) you’ll also have the ability to add the ones you need for the same low price.

Ready to integrate CallRail and SmartBi?

Ready to open your free SmartBi account? Use Callrail’s partner link to get access to our exclusive “pay as you go” package.

How you integrate with CallRail and how it enhances the customers business

CallRail is one of the data sources that can be connected to SmartBi. All you need is a Callrail and a SmartBi account. Once integrated, it will help you track and analyze your inbound calls so that you can optimize your strategy. SmartBI dashboards are developed by our data experts offering you some of the most relevant metrics and KPIs.

Full integration steps are available here.