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Analyze your CallRail data alongside your marketing and social media data

Connect your CallRail account to Repozix and create insightful reports from all the data sources you need. All big integrations across social media and digital marketing platforms are supported. Create reports with key KPIs and share them with your clients or use them internally. You can also customize your dashboards and templatize them to save valuable time.

Easily integrate CallRail with Repozix

The process to add your CallRail account to Repozix is very simple and only takes a few seconds to accomplish. Thanks to our pre-built templates, report creation can be bootstrapped using a template which you can later on modify and make your own.

Find all the metrics & dimensions you need at Repozix

For CallRail, we have added all the metrics and dimensions that you need to do your full reporting for both calls and forms. Few of the metrics available include:

  • Leads
  • Submissions
  • First TIme Submissions
  • Total Calls
  • Missed Calls
  • Answered Calls
  • First Time Callers
  • Average Duration

For the dimensions, you can analyze your data across:

  • Date
  • Landing page
  • Source
  • Keywords
  • Campaign
  • Referrer
  • Company

The support team is always happy to receive any requests for new metrics, dimensions or other features related to CallRail integration.