
Match inbound calls to leads and clients in MyCase
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This step-by-step video shows you how CallRail integrates with your MyCase workflow.
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MyCase Integration Overview

Get unprecedented details about your prospect and client communications without ever leaving MyCase.

The CallRail + MyCase integration matches inbound phone calls with existing leads and clients — or creates a new lead when there is no match. With each call, you’ll get details about marketing source, campaign, and search keywords directly inside MyCase, helping you make better decisions about your law firm’s marketing without clicking away from the app.

Call records are displayed in the Communications section for each lead, with links to the recordings, transcripts, and the lead’s full call history. NEW: If your CallRail plan includes Premium Conversation Intelligence™, you’ll get a glance-able summary of each call directly in MyCase. You’ll truly never have to tab between apps to learn more about what was discussed on a call.

Integration Features

  • Caller name and number
  • Time and date
  • Marketing source of the call
  • Google search or Ads keywords
  • Call log
  • Call summaries (for Premium Conversation Intelligence™ customers)
  • Links to call recordings, transcripts, and histories