
Sync all of your CallRail data right where it needs to be in Lawmatics.
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Lawmatics CallRail integration overview
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Lawmatics Integration Overview

Log incoming calls and automatically record which of your marketing sources the call is attributed to. View an overview of your firm’s call history as well as the call activity log on each individual matter.

Here’s what you get with this Lawmatics integration:

  • Access to view CallRail call log within Lawmatics
  • Create a new matter for a caller or assign the caller to an existing matter
  • Automatic logging and duplicate prevention based on the caller's phone number
  • Automatic marketing source tracking
  • Listen to call recording and log call notes within Lawmatics

Integration Features

  • Incoming call log access: Easily access a record of all of your firm’s incoming calls, along with their marketing source. When available, the system will also automatically fill in new callers’ name and location. View key stats on each call such as the duration and even listen to a recording.
  • Marketing source tracking: Connect your marketing sources to their respective CallRail phone numbers to automatically log and track incoming calls associated with said marketing sources. This paves the way for insightful performance data.
  • Attribute calls to matters: If a caller already has an associated matter in the system, the integration will automatically record the call under that matter. For new callers, you can easily create a new matter or manually link them to an existing one, ensuring that all client interactions are accurately documented and organized.