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Integrately connects CallRail with other web apps

Integrately is an integration app that helps you in creating automations with just 1 click. It is built for the users who wish to automate their processes quickly and easily. Users can choose from 240K+ ready to use integrations and activate their flows in clicks.

Integrating CallRail with Integrately

Each time an action occurs in CallRail, such as an incoming phone call, text, or form, you can trigger an outcome in another app. For instance, you can send your CallRail call data to Google Sheets, Airtable, etc. You can also create activities or tasks based on call data in your CRM or Project management app.

CallRail's Integrately integration allows you to send data for the following events:

  • User is created in CallRail
  • Company is created in CallRail
  • Session tracker is created in CallRail
  • Source tracker is created in CallRail
  • Phone call is completed in CallRail
  • Outbound call is completed in CallRail
  • Form is submitted in CallRail
  • SMS is sent in CallRail
  • Phone call is started in CallRail
  • SMS is received in CallRail
  • Phone call is updated in CallRail

You can choose from over 240K+ ready to use 1 click integrations. Just choose your apps, select your use case and activate your flow in clicks.