Meta Ads Manager

Discover real-time insights on Meta campaigns with CallRail's integration.
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CallRail conversions will be reported at the campaign, ad, and ad set level so you can determine which are driving leads for your business.
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Meta Ads Manager Integration Overview

Seamlessly view call data with click data in Meta Ads Manager by integrating CallRail with Meta Ads Manager's offline conversions API. Elevate social media strategies with comprehensive call tracking covering clicks, call volumes, texts, and form completions for data-driven decisions and campaign optimization.

CallRail's direct call tracking integration with Meta Ads Manager is a powerful tool that leverages call conversion data to craft a custom audience automatically. By strategically excluding previous callers from viewing ads targeting new leads, businesses can optimize their ad spend. Additionally, retargeting past conversions with fresh ads that encourage repeat calls can further enhance marketing effectiveness and customer engagement.

CallRail's custom audience feature not only enables the creation of lookalike audiences but also allows you to reach a new segment of individuals who exhibit similar traits to your established custom target audience. By leveraging call, text, and form data, you can enhance your advertising precision, driving the discovery of valuable customers.

Integration Features

  • Custom and lookalike audiences: By excluding previous callers from new lead ads, businesses optimize ad spend. Retargeting past conversions with fresh ads boosts marketing and engagement.
  • Optimize campaigns with machine learning: Our AI-powered system identifies and targets high-quality leads, increasing conversion rates and reducing ad costs.