Add clarity to your call tracking with voicemail reporting


Andrew Astleford
January 24, 2019

Voicemail Reporting for More Accurate Call Data

We’re excited to introduce some recent enhancements to our reporting engine that will enable CallRail users to identify all received voicemails, which will help improve your overall reporting accuracy.

With this enhancement, calls that route to your destination number’s voicemail system will be recognized in CallRail as a voicemail instead of an answered call. In addition, any of these calls will report as missed instead of answered. In the past, calls that went to voicemail were reported as answered, prompting discrepancies and guesswork around your marketing data.

Form Tracking CTA

Now, voicemails will be detected in the same way we identify calls that route through our voicemail step in the Call Flow Builder. Voicemail calls will populate within your voicemail screen, and can easily be filtered, improving the accuracy of your reports — having a better perspective on how your voicemails impact your business empowers you to work with greater precision, and helps bring clarity to your marketing efforts.

Don’t worry if you’re already using the voicemail step in the Call Flow Builder, because reporting for your calls will remain unchanged, presenting you with the useful and insightful information you’ve come to expect from your CallRail experience.

Read more about the voicemail step within the Call Flow Builder.

We’re looking forward to seeing our users take full advantage of this reporting enhancement. Sign in to your CallRail account and begin discovering how you and your business can benefit from voicemail reporting.