Seamlessly Track Conversions with the Clio Manage and CallRail Integration


Marisa Timko
September 28, 2022

While many lawyers may not have a business degree or seasoned entrepreneurial experience, they do have an unwavering passion to serve their clients with best-in-class legal representation. Though, with the current consumer demands in this modern era of business, alone, that might not be enough to keep the lights on.

Thankfully, with the 2022 Clio Cloud Conference coming up, there are ample opportunities for legal professionals to learn the business ropes.

And as a fully integrated partner with Clio, CallRail will be at Clio Cloud Conference to support Clio users in successfully acquiring leads, no matter the size of their marketing budgets.

After all, lawyers in private practice have to do some form of marketing and business development in order to find clients. Starting with your intake process, all the way to billing and receiving payment, it’s essential to provide a client-centered experience. This ensures the representation goes smoothly and your reputation in the community as a lawyer is strengthened.

How the Clio Manage integration helps lawyers everyday

Clio has long provided legal professionals with comprehensive tools to manage existing clients and cases. By connecting the marketing source from CallRail with case revenue data in Clio Manage, law firms can truly understand which marketing efforts are driving revenue. This allows lawyers to optimize marketing spend and drive more leads that convert to high-value clients.

Below are three ways you can not only track your leads, but improve marketing processes at your law firm.

1. Increased marketing visibility

Very few businesses are more reliant on phone calls for new clients than lawyers and law firms. Yet, while tools that track your digital marketing efforts are plentiful, it seems near impossible to track real-world marketing that drives phone calls rather than link clicks.

CallRail’s industry-leading call tracking and attribution software allows legal professionals to understand exactly where their leads are coming from. This includes visibility into the source, medium, campaign, and Google click identifier that led a prospective client to contact the firm.

Without this visibility, it’s difficult to know which marketing activities produce results and which don’t. With call tracking and Clio Manage data, you can assess which marketing efforts drove clients with the highest billables. Once that information is known, firms can reduce spending on certain marketing activities and increase it on those that produce the highest-value clients. Thus allowing lawyers to get in touch with those who need their expertise the most. Furthermore, this optimization of marketing spend allows for the best possible return on the lawyer’s investment.

2. Access to a more accurate client journey

The benefits of marketing analytics don’t just stop when a client signs with your firm. Once someone becomes a client, the tasks and communication needed to zealously represent them can be overwhelming.

Integrating with CallRail gives Clio users a connection to the beginning of their client’s journey and the ability to understand where they came from. Inbound call data flows automatically from CallRail into Clio Manage. Law firms no longer need to manually enter inbound call details into their practice management software. The software matches the call to the client’s profile in Clio Manage and shows phone duration to determine if it’s a billable call or not. That automation means fewer missteps between billable activities and the actual bill. Plus, it allows legal and non-legal personnel to quickly and easily access all relevant records during the course of representation.

3. Use fewer resources to get more leads

Given capacity and billable hour constraints, it’s essential for a lawyer to utilize tools that can minimize the time and expenses required to find clients and maximize the impact of those you do find. It’s also vital that those clients a lawyer does represent are satisfied with the representation and become beacons of the lawyer’s brand in the community. Creating happy clients will help support future referrals for years to come. Thereby receiving more impact for your original marketing investments.

Final thoughts on leveraging call tracking and attribution software

The integration of CallRail’s lead intelligence platform with Clio’s practice management software provides an unparalleled business impact for legal professionals. Stop by CallRail’s booth at ClioCon 2022, October 10th and 11th, to discuss growth opportunities for your firm.

If you won’t be at the most talked about legal tech conference of the year, no problem—Clio Manage users can try the CallRail integration for free.

Meet the author

Marisa Timko
Marisa Timko is the Content Marketing Manager at CallRail. She is passionate about using content to educate, entertain, and of course, generate leads. Marisa is a Floridian and wouldn't have it any other way!