Zack: Welcome to our webinar today, “How to Supercharge Your Facebook Advertising with Call Analytics.” With me, I’ve got Madelyn Newman, our product marketing manager. And, again, my name is Zack Bedingfield, I run our search engine marketing here at CallRail. Welcome.
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[Madelyn] Awesome. Yeah. So, like Zack mentioned, my name is Madelyn Newman. I’m a product marketing manager here in CallRail, and I’m really excited to be here today. So, some stuff that we’re going to cover in today’s webinar. We’re going to talk about the rise of mobile and the impact that that’s had on Facebook and Facebook Advertising.
We’re going to talk about how you can improve your Facebook Ads, so that way you’re driving more of those valuable phone call leads. We’re going to talk about ways that you can utilize call tracking, specifically in your Facebook Ads strategy, and then also talk about how we can combine all these things together, so we’re effectively boosting the return on investment from your Facebook Advertising.
Rise of mobile usage and Facebook
First things first, I want to start talking about the rise of mobile and its impact on Facebook. So, as I’m sure a lot of you guys know, if you’re here and you are Facebook marketers, you see the value of advertising there. It’s definitely the world’s most popular social media platform. All these numbers that you’re looking at were from their end of Q3 earnings report.
They haven’t released all of 2017 yet, that’s coming out in, like, a week, so we’ll have to stay tuned to see how much this has changed in just the last three months. But as of September 30th, there’s over 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook.
That’s a ton of people, that’s a huge audience. Definitely worthwhile for you to be spending some ad revenue there. But what’s even more interesting, I think, than just looking at, you know, the 2 billion number, even though that’s pretty exciting, 1.74 billion of the 2 billion are active on mobile. So, that’s basically, you know, almost everyone that’s on Facebook is accessing the platform on mobile, and 1.055 billion are actually only accessing Facebook on mobile.
That’s over half of all Facebook users are only accessing the platform via mobile. So it’s really important that that’s also where we’re spending our ad dollars. Eighty-eight percent of Facebook’s advertising revenue for Q3 was from mobile advertising, so that’s a crazy chunk of Facebook’s overall revenue.
It just kind of goes to show that advertisers definitely see the value, and you should too, in thinking mobile first. And, already it grew 4% in one year. I’m going to be really interested to see what happens in 2018. I’m sure it’s just going to continue to kind of boom up. And this next slide is actually…this is one of my favorite graphs. You know, we all have our favorite graphs.
This one’s from BIA/Kelsey, and what it shows you is this is calls from mobile. So, we know there’s 2 billion people on Facebook, and we know that over half of them are accessing Facebook only on mobile. And what are they doing on there if, you know, 88% of Facebook’s revenue is coming from advertising, right?
There’s all those mobile ads. Well, this just goes to show you that what they’re doing is they’re picking up the phone and calling. So, as you can see here, if we look specifically as the yellow part of the graph, that is calls from Native Social, and it is just continuing to grow year over year. Look how much it’s going to be in another two years.
It’s going to be pretty large. And it’s really interesting, I think, too, if you compare it to traditional display, which is the gray line here, which actually appears to be diminishing. And I would guess to say that’s because we’re spending more money on social advertising than we are on traditional display. And another thing that’s interesting is definitely looking at the messaging apps, this light blue part right here.
Because not only are people seeing your ads on Facebook and picking up the phone and calling, they’re also probably going to be trying to talk to you through chat. Facebook has a great native chat app. But once they do that, they’ll probably be trying to reach you on the phone as well after the fact via chat. So, it’s super interesting that chat is also going to be driving phone calls in addition to Native Social.
Now that we know that it’s definitely worthwhile, right, to focus on phone calls from Facebook because so much of their audience is picking up the phone and calling, they’re on mobile, let’s talk about how we can actually optimize our Facebook Ads to drive more of those valuable phone calls. And I also want to mention that even if phone calls aren’t your main lead source, if you get a ton of people from forms and some online traditional kind of channels, that’s how you’re getting your leads, phone calls are still really, really important, right?
As that last graph just showed you, right, they’re on the rise, they’re already happening, you want to get more of them. And that’s not just because, you know, they are a great lead source, phone calls are also valuable because they can really teach you a lot more about these other leads that are coming in from other channels. And, you should definitely be paying attention to them for that reason.
I’ll kind of go into that a little bit more later, but there’s some really valuable stuff hidden in your phone calls, for sure, outside of just high-value leads and customers to go after. So, the four things that you want to consider whenever you’re creating your Facebook Ads:
1. Where to put your ads
2. Who to show them to
3. Creating a focused call-to-action
4. Targeted creative
Where should your Facebook Ads appear?
To start, where should your Facebook Ads appear? So Facebook gives you three places that you can display your ads. Of course, they also have an option where you can just kind of automate this. That’s what they recommend, and there’s definitely no problem in going that route.
If you want to get even more targeted, you can actually specifically pick where you want the Facebook Ad to appear, whether that’s in the news feed, in the right-hand column, or mobile only. And I mean, just harping back on that point, right, of how many Facebook users are only accessing the Facebook platform via mobile, let’s think mobile first. And it’s definitely important that you consider using that mobile news feed option and finding out if that’s the best place for you to put your ads.
I would definitely recommend, it’s worth experimenting there, and making sure that that’s where your ads are showing up because you’re going to be missing out on 1 billion people if your ads aren’t showing up on mobile. And so, once you’ve kind of decided where you want to put them, or if you’re still testing, how can you track which ad locations are driving the most phone calls?
What you’re looking at here actually is a screenshot of CallRail. And for those of you not familiar with CallRail, we’re a call tracking and analytics platform. So we actually help you attribute your phone call leads to the marketing source that drove them, but we can actually get a lot more granular too than just telling you, you know, generically, “Hey, this many of your phone calls came from Facebook and Facebook Ads.
What you’re looking at right here is CallRail’s call log, and I’m actually showing you a graph, and I specifically highlighted three of the data points. And what we did here is we actually got different call tracking phone numbers for the different Facebook Ad locations. So we have one that we only used on mobile, we have one we only used on desktop, and one that we used as a Facebook Call Now button, which is their version of a click-to-call.
Then we can actually track the performance of each one against each other. This is what’s under the call log right there in CallRail, but I want to point out over here on the left, those different tracking numbers that I was talking about, and also their specific source as CallRail tracks it. So you can use this data, right?
Like that graph just showed us, “Hey, we’re generating more calls from those mobile ads than we are from the Call Now and the desktop ads.Let’s spend more money there, more time there.It’s more worthwhile of an effort.” If that’s where the phone calls are coming from, that’s where you want to focus on. And CallRail does also have a type of call tracking called visitor-level tracking.
What that allows you to do is get really, really granular because we actually cookie visitors to your website. And in doing that, we can actually show you some of the really cool data that’s highlighted here. So, right here in this box on the left, you see Campaign. We’ll actually extract UTM campaigns, and why that’s cool to use with your Facebook Advertising and tracking the success of phone calls from there is…right here, we can see both of these phone calls came from my winter sale campaign that I’m running, but one was on desktop and one was on mobile.
That way, you can track the overall success of an entire campaign. But, once again, still get really, really granular on where most of the calls in that campaign were coming from. What else our session-level tracking allows you to do, and we’re here on the right, you see this column where it says Device Type, so we’ll actually show you where the ad was served and where someone was on your website when we cookied them before they picked up the phone and placed the call.
We’re not telling you necessarily if they called from a mobile device, or, you know, like a desktop cell phone, but we can at least tell you where they saw the ad and where they accessed your website from. And so the last piece that I think is really important in kind of tracking the success of the location of where you’re showing your Facebook Ads. So, one KPI that we harp on all the time is first-time callers.
For those of you that aren’t super familiar with call tracking, it’s definitely great to start out just tracking an overall volume of your phone calls. But what’s even better is to actually differentiate between repeat callers and first-time callers.
That’s because first-time callers are essentially a net new lead, right? So you’re tying that ad spent in that revenue to a brand new customer, which is really important, and that can help you tailor your Facebook Advertising even more. So, this graph that we’re looking at here, this is CallRail’s Call Attribution report. And as you can see here, so if I were just to go off of, you know, phone calls to my main website from direct visitors, it looks like a ton of calls, right?
I got 1,000 calls last month, that’s awesome. But when I compare that to the Facebook mobile calls, which might be less overall total calls, it’s a higher percentage of first-time callers, meaning a higher percentage of net new leads, which is awesome. And so maybe you want to probably spend more time on Facebook mobile than you do just on, you know, organic, and direct visitors to your website because that’s where you’re generating the most first-time callers, aka net new leads.
Now that we’ve, kind of, talked about where you can show your Facebook Ads, and how you can track the success of those different locations on Facebook, it’s time to talk about who’s going to see your ad. Because I would argue that choosing the right audience is actually more important than the ad creative itself. And Facebook offers some extremely useful advanced targeting options for sure.
If you can master that, you’re really going to be a Facebook Marketing pro. So, the first thing that I want to talk about is targeting by location. So Facebook gives us the ability to target based on country, zip, state code, or even distance from your business.
This is great for really harping on people that are already in your market, and close by, and able to actually pick up the phone and call, and buy right then and there. And what I would suggest you do is actually include localized numbers in these campaigns either directly in the Call Now click-to-call buttons. Maybe the phone number’s actually in your ad copy, or you’re driving someone to your website with a localized number.
That way, if you’re targeting people that are within 10 miles of your business, showing them a very local phone number, you’re giving off that really localized branding and version of yourself. And people love that as you can see from the stats down at the bottom. Fifty-two percent of consumers shopping on their smartphones, they want a local store or agent to be within five miles of them. And you can actually give off that appearance and target people that you can help fulfill that need for them.
Other than just targeting for location, you can also target based on behavior, which Facebook has a couple of different options. But I would say this is really, really useful when you’re creating call-centric ads because you can actually target, once again, those mobile users. So you can choose to only show your ad on mobile news feeds, and make sure the behavior of the Facebook consumer or user, that they’re on a smartphone as well.
Another great Facebook Advertising trick is interests. So Facebook is awesome in that it lets you get so, so, so granular with your ad targeting and all the different options that they have. And what the interests option does is it actually lets you target based on pages people like, you know, other businesses they’ve been in contact with, all that kind of good stuff.
And I think this is great to… first and foremost, think about your competitors, right? Targeting your ads to people that have already expressed an interest in your market, just maybe not your business specifically, but one of your competitors. That’s always great. Or complimentary services. So, you know, if you know that your target customer or your demographic is also buying something else, right, like maybe I sell iPhone cases, I probably want to go after people in general that just like iPhones.
So, it’s definitely important to think about that, and you can target people really granularly there. And so, all of those targeting options are great in helping you, you know, really, really hone in on who the right audience is for your Facebook Advertising, but one of the coolest features that Facebook has is custom audiences.
And for those of you that aren’t familiar, they actually give you the ability to upload your customer list, so that that way you can specifically target them in Facebook, and with that being said, focus on known callers. So I would recommend uploading your call log from CallRail. Or if you’re tracking inbound phone calls in your CRM, or wherever it is, upload that caller list into Facebook, so that way you can target your known callers, whether they’re customers, or whether they didn’t convert into customers because you know those are the type of people that are going to pick up the phone and call.
So, let’s serve them with a really targeted call-centric campaign to get them to do so. And if you’re using CallRail, what’s really, really cool is we actually have a direct Facebook integration written with Facebook’s API. So we will automatically create custom audiences from your leads tracked in CallRail, and we’ll do that for phone calls, we’ll do it for text messages, we’ll do it for form fill-outs on your website.
So that kind of takes the load off of you because we just automatically do it for you. And what’s great is we continuously update the custom audience as people call in. It’s not like…you know, we do it in real-time, so that way your advertising just gets more and more specific and targeted because your list is constantly growing of inbound phone calls leads to the custom audience.
Similar to custom audiences, Facebook also lets you do something called lookalike audiences, which is incredible at helping you find people that are similar to your current customer base. So, lookalike audiences are based off of a custom audience. So, if you already have the list of people that you know are going to call your business, and those are the type of leads that you want to generate, Facebook’s actually going to take that list and determine, you know, what those people have in common, what they look like, and find people with similar age demographics, location demographics, interest behaviors, everything we talked about earlier, and they’re just going to go ahead and automatically do that for you.
If you’re using call tracking, and you’re using something like CallRail, and then out-of-the-box Facebook integration, and we’re automatically generating the custom audience for you, you can create the lookalike audience directly based off of that, which is really, really cool. And so that’s on the screenshot that you’re looking at now.
There’s a ton of different targeting options within Facebook, which ones do you use when? So if you’re really at the top of the funnel, and you want to get some eyeballs on your product from people that have never heard of you before, they’re brand new, I would definitely start with the lookalike audiences.
That’s going to really help you get a great group of people and help you generate some brand new leads. If you’re really interested maybe in retargeting ads, which Facebook is great for that strategy as well, right, kind of following people around when they’ve already expressed some interest in you, that’s where I think the custom audiences come into play, and those are really great too, right?
Because you can actually say, you know, “Hey, these people called and they didn’t convert to customers,” and so put them in their own audience, and you can serve them with some retargeting ads. And then down here at the bottom, customer upsells, so along the same line as using the custom audience.
If I know these are current customers that are already paying me, or they purchased from me before, right, we’ll kind of hit them with some upsells, or specials, or product activations to get them more engaged with your company. So, Facebook Advertising is great at kind of hitting every single piece of the funnel for sure.
Our Facebook integration is really new, we only launched it a few months ago. But we’ve heard some awesome feedback from a lot of people about it, so.
– If your business is not particularly looking for calls, it’s important to realize that there’s still a lot of value in tracking your calls really accurately just because they’re a wealth of data. And I think Madelyn’s going to go into it a bit more later. But just because they’re not a primary KPI for your business doesn’t mean that they’re not worth factoring in as a KPI for you to optimize your campaigns.
Now that we know where we’re going to show the ads, who we’re going to show the ads to, let’s talk about CTAs, right, our call-to-actions. So Facebook offers, like, a ton of different options for call-to-actions, but the two that I really want to focus on, if phone calls are important for your business and you’re looking to drive more phone calls, are the Call Now button, and then getting people to click through to a landing page, where there is either another click-to-call button or just a really prominent phone number.
First things first, let’s talk about the Call Now button. And for those of you that have never used the Call Now button, the call-to-action in Facebook, it is available for local awareness ads, so you do need to be running ads locally. And how you find this button as a CTA option is by selecting Reach when Facebook asks you what your goals for your campaign are.
Once you do that, they’ll provide this call-to-action for you. But I would definitely, when you’re using the Call Now button, first and foremost, be using call tracking alongside it and make sure I have a call tracking phone number linked to that button, so that way I can track the success of it. But I would also kind of consider how the ad copy and the graphics that you use with it can be optimized to drive for call conversions.
Always remember, too, that this is going to be shown to someone on a smartphone, so make sure that that makes sense. And so if you’re using call tracking, how can you test the success of the Call Now button? Well, inside of Facebook, they do show us button clicks, which is great, that gives you an overall idea of how many people actually clicked the Call Now button, which is good.
If you’re not using call tracking, you’re actually missing out on kind of another piece of the puzzle. And that is because when people click the Call Now button, actually what happens on your smartphone is another pop-up comes out that says, “Do you actually want to dial this number?” and someone needs to actually push the dial button. So these 15 button clicks that we’re seeing here are not indicative of 15 inbound phone calls every single time.
That’s why if you’re using a call tracking tool, you definitely want to put a call tracking phone number, so that way you can track it there. Or I would also say, if you’re using CallRail with our Facebook Integration, we’ll actually push the inbound phone calls directly into Facebook as offline other conversions. So what that means is you can actually effectively track the button clicks and the offline other conversions side by side, right next to each other, and you can say, “Okay, I had 20 people click the button, but only 17 of those actually agreed to make the phone call, got in touch with someone from my business, and turned into valuable leads for us.
It’s definitely important that you’re seeing that through all the way. And so I would definitely argue that Call Now buttons, especially if you are targeting locally, are the way to go on Facebook if you want to drive phone calls, right, that’s the easiest way. We’re not making someone click all the way through. But, of course, if you want to send people to your website, that’s also another great option for sure, but make sure that you’re using a mobile landing page.
When someone clicks through the ad, your website is optimized for mobile. Ninety-three percent of Facebook’s daily active users are visiting the site on mobile. So, just make sure that wherever you’re sending someone, it’s going to look good on a smartphone or tablet. So here’s another example.
This isn’t necessarily the most, you know, forward design. It’s not great to look at, but what is great about this landing page that we’re looking at here,, right, they want you to buy these gallons of water for your office, and they want you to pick up the phone and call. And so, as you can see, they send you from their Facebook Ad to this landing page, a bright green button with a phone number, very, very prominent.
It’s pretty obvious what they want me to do when I’m on this page. They want me to click that phone button right there and call their business, and I’ll very likely do that because it’s so front and center. So, this is definitely a great design to kind of keep in mind, they’re just making sure that you have the phone number really, really, really prominent when people are clicking through from Facebook on their smartphones.
Going back into CallRail and how you can kind of track the success, specifically, of your landing pages. So we will…if you are using our Facebook integration, we will send those phone calls directly into Facebook as well. But inside the CallRail dashboard, we actually track, very specifically, what landing page someone came to when they placed a phone call.
You can actually kind of play around with different versions of your landing page and test out which one’s driving more phone calls. So, as you can see here, right, someone did call from that homepage, while we got two calls from that mobile landing page, which is always great to see. And we do also have a very, very specific Calls by Landing Page report, where we break it down by repeat callers and first-time callers.
As you can see here, right, the Facebook mobile landing page is performing off the charts at generating phone calls comparatively to some of our other landing pages. Down here you can see the Facebook desktop page isn’t doing so great. So, it’s pretty awesome if you’re using visitor-level tracking and a call tracking tool, that you can get that granular so you can really, really test what’s working and what’s not.
One of the last things I want to talk about in using call intelligence and call tracking to really build out good Facebook Advertising campaigns is targeted and tested creative. So Facebook has some great out-of-the-box A/B testing tools, and I would definitely recommend using those and playing around with ad copy, playing around with the graphics that you use, and seeing which ones work best to drive phone calls.
What’s awesome is you can actually use the phone calls themselves to get some really, really awesome information about your customers and your callers to tailor your advertising. And this is a lot about what Zack was talking about earlier. So, CallRail, specifically, we have some features that we call conversation intelligence.
What those features do is we actually…we’ll record a phone call, we transcribe the phone call, and then we automatically, kind of, assess and analyze the phone call. And within two minutes, you get a lot of really, really cool insights. And that’s within two minutes of the phone call ending. So, right here, you can see we have something called CallScore.
We will actually automatically score the call as a lead or not a lead, and that’s just based off of some… We listened to tens of thousands of hundreds of phone calls to kind of create an algorithm that will effectively run all these phone calls through and come up with a good yes or no answer, and so it’s definitely tried and true. And we have something like a 90% accuracy with that, so we’ll tell you if the call was good immediately.
Then what’s really, really cool is we will actually pull from the transcription words that you ask us to look for. So, we have a feature called Keyword Spotting. And if you know, you know, “Hey, people are calling from my Facebook campaigns asking about this product line,” or, you know, maybe you’re a doctor’s office, you want to look for words like appointment, check-up, that sort of stuff.
Here at CallRail, right, we obviously are a B2B software company, so we’re looking for things like demo, pricing, all that kind of good stuff. And so we will find those words that you tell us to look for and tell you how often they appear in the conversation and where they were, which gives you some great information to kind of start building your Facebook Ad copy, right? If you know people are using those words in conversations or asking about certain things, then you should tailor your advertising to answer those questions and pull people in from the get-go.
That way, they aren’t having to click through and try and find the answer to their question, right? Like, they’re going to pick up the phone and call because they’re ready to buy because you already answered it. And then right above Automation Rules, there’s actually a newer feature that we have, it’s called Call Highlights. We will also suggest to you certain keywords that we think are really, really relevant to the conversation because probably they appear a lot or, you know, we found it when the customer was speaking for the longest period of time, which is usually when someone’s telling you why they’re calling.
We’ll actually suggest that you start looking for those as well. So you can start diving into phone calls. And not only can you find, you know, how often things are being said that you know to look for, we’re actually uncovering some insights that you didn’t know to look for. Maybe someone that you don’t always think of as a competitor, they might pop up in here.
Maybe, yeah, if I’m a dentist, like, you didn’t realize your Facebook Ads were creating so many leads that were interested in a very specific service that you offer. And so now that you know that, maybe you want to tailor your graphic in your ads or your ad copy to really harp on that one service. So, there’s a lot of hidden stuff in those phone calls. And the more and more that you can listen to them and find out what’s in them, the better your ads are going to be.
– I’ll say, I’m assuming a lot of people in the webinar right now run PPC campaigns, they are on, like, the AdWords, and Bing, etc., etc., and calls can be a really powerful tool for keyword mining as well. Say, you think that you have your particular market pretty cornered as far as all of the keywords that you have available to bid on. But by listening into calls, you might find that there’s a particular pain point that you didn’t realize your product was addressing, or there’s a rephrasing of maybe a certain feature, or again, of a pain point that you can then address.
Again, the opportunities to mine these calls for data are pretty limitless.
– Yeah. What you’re looking at here is our Key Terms Spotted report. So, what I just showed you was at the really granular call level, and this is a more holistic view of all of your phone calls. And to Zack’s point, this is definitely a great place to start doing some keyword mining, think about, you know, calls-to-action, right?
If I know that my customers are always mentioning words like customized and custom, definitely want to harp on that in my ad copy, right? It’s a selling point for sure. So, all that to say, we just went through a lot of different areas of your Facebook Advertising that you should be focusing on if you want to drive phone calls, but what we’re really trying to do at the end of the day is maximize our Facebook ROI, right?
A lot of people flock to Facebook Advertising because, in their mind, they’re like, “Oh, it’s a low cost per click.” But they also think that sometimes the same strategy that might have worked on AdWords is going to work on Facebook, and that’s not always the case, right? They are two different platforms, and people have two different intents when they go there.
People that are going to Google, or Bing, or whatever search engine of choice they’re using, they’re searching for an answer to their question, they’re really deliberate. If someone’s on Facebook, they’re probably just perusing, trying to look at their friends’ pictures or find, you know, some new links. And so what ends up happening, if you don’t tailor your strategy specifically to Facebook, you’re going to see a low cost per click, but none of those clicks are actually going to turn into paying customers.
Your cost per click is actually going to end up being really high, and you’re going to be like, “Wait, why am I even paying attention here?” So, the key to making sure that that doesn’t happen is to really A/B test every single thing. So A/B test where you’re showing your ads, A/B test the audiences that you’re using, the copy, the creative, your call-to-actions, your landing pages, all that kind of good stuff to find the secret sauce that works for your business, and making sure that you’re using a call tracking tool alongside that to really make sure that you’re understanding what’s working.
If you’re not using call tracking, you’re just kind of blindly going at it, and, you know, “Oh, I think that campaign works, I generated some phone calls.” But you really need to make sure that you have some tools in place to track what you’re doing and make sure it’s effective, so that way those two missteps that I just mentioned don’t happen to you.
– Hopefully, we provided some helpful info. I know we’ve got a bunch of questions. I’ve been responding to a lot of you all individually, but I’m assuming Madelyn can provide some additional info on some of these. So, starting out from Matt, he’s asking if there’s a call recording option available for health care businesses that are concerned with protecting health information?
– Yes, absolutely. So CallRail does offer HIPAA-compliant call tracking, and so that does make the call recording HIPAA compliant. And what we basically do is we kind of set up some safety parameter as to who can actually access the call recordings, and we make sure it’s very, very secure. But we have a lot of agencies and health care customers utilizing that service from us today.
– Cool. So, a question from Tyler. “Do you think that Native Social click-to-calls will be affected by the new Facebook algorithm change or it’s going to limit the organic reach to followers?” And I don’t know if everybody’s familiar with this, but Facebook announced recently…I don’t know if…I think it might have been a conference with Zuckerberg, actually, where he’s saying that Facebook wasn’t providing what they really wanted to.
Again, like Madelyn mentioned, people are trying to go on for social reasons. They don’t want to be inundated with ads. I know I already answered my perspective, but we’ll take up yours, Madelyn.
– Yeah. So, I actually would argue no, and that’s because Facebook’s algorithm changes. All they really said is that they, you know…yeah, they don’t want to inundate people with stuff that isn’t relevant to what they’re actually trying to achieve on Facebook, so that just means that you need to be presenting more relevant, and useful, and helpful content.
If you are just kind of spamming people with call now, call now, and call now ads and posts, then yeah, you probably aren’t going to show up in a lot of timelines. But if you are really providing a value ad that’s meaningful to your customers and your target market, I don’t really think you’re going to see any sort of hit in your click-to-call or your phone calls from Facebook.
– Word. So we got a new question. “Is this available in Mexico or Latin America?”
– We are not currently available in Mexico or Latin America. We are available in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, France, and Germany. We’re always looking to expand internationally to other countries, of course.
We have your information because you registered for the webinar, and we’ll follow up after the fact. But we’re definitely always tracking that, and I would definitely be on the lookout for what other numbers we’ll offer moving forward in the future.
– Okay. And one from Tom DeSantos. “Does doing this type of tracking require multiple numbers, or can it all be done…can these types of stats be gathered just with one number?”
– A lot of what I showed you earlier can be accomplished with one number per campaign, if that makes sense. So, each one of your Facebook campaigns or ad types, you will need one phone number. But for some of the really granular stuff regarding, like, what landing page someone was on, whether or not they were specifically were on mobile or desktop in terms of device type, that does require something called a website pool, which what that is is we actually request a pool of numbers, the minimum is four, that we swap out on your website based on your web traffic and how many visitors are on the site at once.
That’s how you get some of the really, really granular stuff that I showed you. But if all you’re really trying to track is how are my different Facebook campaigns working, or just how are my Facebook Ads in general working, you can do that with singular phone numbers. And then also what’s really cool is all that conversation intelligence stuff that I showed you, the call recording, the keyword spotting, call highlights, that’s all available for any one of our CallRail phone numbers.
Either, or. So maybe you do just start out with one number and get that really great conversation intelligence, and then kind of expand your tracking from there.
– All right, cool beans. Let’s look for another one. “So there’s no problem in making a landing page for mobile and another for desktop, but how do you tell where the visits are coming from?”
– You tell where the visits are coming from by labeling your landing pages more specifically, or by using UTM parameters. So CallRail does have the ability… our cookie can pull UTMs. So, as long as you get a little bit more specific there, we’ll actually be able to tell you which one was on mobile and which was on desktop.
– Question from Emily. I’m not sure I fully understand, but, “Can we integrate Facebook pages?Seems like we can only integrate an entire account.”
– So I think what you’re asking, Emily, is if we can integrate Facebook pages versus integrating the Facebook Ads Manager. And currently, CallRail only integrates with the Facebook Business Ads Manager, meaning we only push in call conversion to create those custom audiences for Facebook Ads.
That is not to say that we cannot track calls from your Facebook page. You can absolutely use call tracking to track any organic, you know, clicks to your website from the Facebook page, or from a Facebook post that just shows up organically in the news feed, or even one that you paid to boost. We could definitely help you track that in CallRail, we just don’t have anywhere to push those sorts of phone calls into Facebook itself.
We can only push in calls to the Facebook Ads Manager.
– I think this might be our last one, but, “Does the displayed phone number change or only the underlying click-to-call code?” And I think the question there is whether or not the displayed number in the Facebook Ad changes, which would be no. It would change campaign to campaign if you’re running a bunch of different campaigns and you had provisioned all these numbers.
The only time that the actual display phone number’s going to change is when people actually get to the website, and you’re running with that website pool, so that you can then…to see which individuals called because there’s going to be a different number that pops up every time. And I think that about does it. Again, if there was anything we missed or you think about anything afterwards, feel free to reach out to us via email or Twitter.
Happy to help. And, like I said, we’re going to send this to everybody later today. And then, again, it’ll live on our Resources page so you can access it then anytime you want.
– Awesome. Thanks, guys. We really appreciate it.