You’ve put your time, effort and money into marketing yourself to potential patients and generating appointments over the phone, but are you sure that your marketing is working, and is your staff providing a positive experience to those callers when they answer the phone? With call analytics and tracking you not only understand what type of marketing drives calls to your practice, but you also gain deeper insight into what takes place during those calls – all with the added benefit of HIPAA compliant call recording.
Know Which Marketing Channels Drive Calls
If you’re using phone numbers in offline advertising, there’s no way to track those calls back to the source that drove them without call tracking. Call tracking makes it easy to view which offline ads drive conversions. If you’re advertising online, features like dynamic number insertion shows website visitors a unique phone number so you know which campaign delivered the call. That means that you’ll be able to view attribution for all of your landing pages, listing sites, and pay-per-click ads. You’ll also be able to view a snapshot of your marketing channel’s performance through CallRail’s multi-channel attribution reporting.
HIPAA Compliant Call Tracking
Calls between health providers and patients often involve discussion of personal issues and medical history. Even without an audio recording, the fact that the call happened may create health information that links an individual to a medical practice and the types of services they provide. At CallRail, we take HIPAA compliance seriously; that’s why we’ve not only created the only end-to-end solution for healthcare providers, but we also sign a business associate agreement (BAA) with each of our HIPAA clients.
Manage Your Phone System
Get your potential clients to the right place at the right time with interactive menus and easy to customize call flows. Save time by routing clients based on their needs, easily customize your phone system with features for after hours call scheduling, automated routing to different physicians and departments, custom menus, and more.
Real Results for Healthcare Marketers
Brolik, a digital agency focused on branding, strategy, video and web, uses CallRail to drive strong benefits for their client—even growing one client’s business by an astounding 108%. But one client in particular had a unique requirement: They needed the robust insight delivered by CallRail so that Brolik could refine their online marketing efforts, but needed it to comply with the demands of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Fortunately, CallRail’s HIPAA-compliant option provided the visibility Brolik needed even when dealing with sensitive patient information. “CallRail took care of everything,” stated Liggins. “They signed a business associate agreement to keep all patient information secure. Their solution included HIPAA compliant encryption, and it was set up so that user accounts are automatically logged out after a fixed amount of inactivity to prevent security issues.
“CallRail took care of everything,” stated agency owner, Brolik Liggins. “They signed a business associate agreement to keep all patient information secure. Their solution included HIPAA compliant encryption, and it was set up so that user accounts are automatically logged out after a fixed amount of inactivity to prevent unauthorized access. On our end, we secured the CallRail passwords for this account separately so that it cannot be accessed by just anyone. Only those assigned to the account can review this information.”
By adding these layers of security and privacy protection, Brolik can record inbound calls for both patients and prospects. Unique phone numbers are assigned to different campaigns to track the performance of new marketing efforts such as Search and Facebook advertising, but all calls are routed directly to the client in a secure method.
Check out how other agencies have benefited from our HIPAA features here.