We’ve Got You Covered with Our Newest Feature: Visitor Timelines


Erica Hawkins
September 16, 2013

Get ready to travel into the past, future and optimize the present of your call tracking experience.

We get it. You want to know as much as you possibly can about the who, what, when, where and why people call you. That’s why we’re rolling out our newest feature ‘Visitor Timelines’ and optimizing your call tracking experience.

Track Visitors Actions Before, During and After They Call

If you’re using our visitor-level call tracking, you can see how visitors navigate your website before they call, what page they were on when they called and what actions they take on your website after they’ve called.

Here’s How It Works

When a visitor goes to your website we track the path they take. This means the pages they visit including the date and time they visit them, even if those visits take place at separate times or on different days. Any action they make on the pages and any number they call is tracked through CallRail.

Once they call, we log the call, and if they return to your website after they call we track all of those pageviews too. When you view the ‘call details’ surrounding the call, you’ll be able to access all of this information in one convenient timeline.

How This Feature Makes You Awesome

  • See what pages users often call from and get a better understanding of why visitors call.
  • Learn what people are looking for when they call and use that information to make it easier for clients to access what they need on your website.
  • Give your call recordings context by seeing what callers were doing on your website before and after they made the call
  • See what people are calling about the most and what types of services are in high demand without having to listen to all of your call recordings.

With Visitor Timelines, we’ve got you covered from the first pageview, to the moment the call is made, and every pageview after that.