Introducing Outbound Call Tracking


Erica Hawkins
June 5, 2014

You Asked, We Answered, and Now You Can Call Back

We know from our clients that effectively and quickly following up on leads is extremely important to to them — that’s why we’ve made that process even easier by allowing our users to place outbound calls with their CallRail tracking phone numbers.

How Outbound Call Tracking Works:

  • You can place outbound calls from the call details page, or by clicking the caller’s phone number in the main call table.
  • Once you initiate the outbound call, we’ll call you on your phone number. This can be any number you select from a drop down list, or a new number you enter.
  • When you answer on your end, we’ll prompt you to connect, then dial the recipient for you.
  • From the recipient’s perspective, it’s just like you called them directly from your phone — except your tracking phone number will show up on their Caller ID.

3 Reasons You’ll Love Outbound Call Tracking:

  1. Faster Lead Response Time
    The value of an inbound lead decays with every passing minute. Outbound call tracking allows you to respond to leads faster by showing you which calls still need to be returned, and giving you the opportunity to return and track those calls right from your dashboard.
  2. Track Your Outbound Calls
    Now you can track and measure the productivity of sales and customer service teams by viewing how often calls are being followed up on, how long lead response time is, and which team members are returning each call.
  3. Place Outbound Calls From Anywhere, Anytime from Any Phone
    Use outbound call tracking from any phone to which you have access. This means that you can return any phone call using your home phone, business phone, or even your cell phone without sharing your personal phone number, as clients will see the business number returning their call.

Outbound Calls are automatically tracked within CallRail, including information on the user who placed the call and the phone number they chose to place the call with. Standard per minutes rates apply.