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Last May, CallRail was named to Inc.’s third annual Best Places to Work list. We had previously made similar local lists, but recognition on Inc.’s national list felt like a really big deal. We celebrated with cake and champagne.

Since the 2018 list came out, we have grown our employee headcount by about 45 percent. And in spite of the rapid growth over the last year, we’ve been able to both scale and refine our award-winning culture.

Today, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been named to Inc. Magazine’s Best Places to Work  list for the second consecutive year.

Given the pace of CallRail’s own growth since May 2018 and the fact that a record number of companies entered the Best Places to Work Awards this year, this year’s recognition is special. CallRail was one of 346 companies named to the 2019 list. Nearly 2,000 companies entered the contest, according to Inc., which partnered with Quantum Workplace to conduct surveys from over 139,000 employees. CallRail was one of 70 companies to make placement in the “Medium-Large” category, which is comprised of companies with 100-249 employees.

Earlier this year, CallRail was honored to be named a local workplace leader, earning a spot on the Atlanta-Journal Constitution’s Top Workplaces list, and we have regularly been recognized for our growth, ranking on both the Inc. 5000 and Deloitte Tech Fast 500 lists.

In an internal memo to employees, CallRail VP of Talent & Culture, Whitney Bennett, noted, “We recognize that as we grow we have to continue to be more intentional about our culture and this reward is recognition for a lot of hard work that went into that last year,” before listing a number of big investments the company made into our workplace over the last year.

In the second half of 2018, Whitney and other members of the CallRail leadership team re-drafted the company’s culture statements. They were written to better foster a workplace that was not merely _enjoyable, _but also fulfilling.

CallRail Internal Culture

Here’s what they came up with:

Deliver incredible products

Let’s create products we all take pride in. We are never satisfied, so we relentlessly improve. We are focused on creating an experience so clearly superior that customers have no reason to consider anything else.

Mind the business

A high-performing business is the engine that powers everything here. We succeed when we help our customers thrive. When we focus our energy on our customers, we create opportunities for everyone to grow.

Respect everyone

A great team runs on respect. Candor helps us push and challenge each other, and open communication is only possible on a foundation of respect. Respect makes it possible to recruit and retain a strong, inclusive team.

Work with intensity

Don’t be afraid to jump into the deep end and take on a challenge. We recognize our successes, use failure to reflect and grown, and don’t accept apathy. Our work is important to us, and we’re proud of what we’re building together

Turn it off

We take care of ourselves, our families, our friends and our community. We know it’s okay to close the laptop and turn off the phone and really enjoy a moment, an evening, a weekend, and a vacation.

Inc. and Quantum noticed the following distinct themes develop among the companies they recognized on their list:

  • Strong company cultures breed stunning individual and team performance.
  • Workers at the best companies view their employers as more than a source of income. Employees aren’t mesmerized by whatever giveaways seem to be the latest fad — be it gourmet lunches or beer fridges.
  • When employees feel valued by their organization, they are far more likely to be engaged. This single factor proved to be one of the largest drivers of employee engagement.

To the second bullet point, we _do _have a good time working at CallRail. We have lively in-office monthly happy hours, unique quarterly outings, opportunities to volunteer with local charities, and occasional fun events like “Bring Your Kid To Work Day.” But working at CallRail is about so much more than that, as CallRail co-founder and CEO Andy Powell wrote in an email to employees after last year’s recognition.

“The ‘fun stuff’ at work is nice, but it’s secondary,” he said. “Games and ping pong and beer in the fridge and coffee on tap don’t define who we are. I want everyone to be fulfilled in their work and through it enable a satisfying life at work and outside of it.”

At CallRail, our culture is undergirded by a unique composition of benefits that goes far beyond the flimsy and faddy. There is true transparency from leadership, extraordinary growth opportunity, top-notch health insurance and 401(k) matching, and a Culture Ambassadors Board that has your back, among a bevy of other things. We are spoiled with smart, inspiring co-workers and an industry-leading product to expand, improve, support, and promote.

As we look ahead to the second half of this year, 2020 and beyond, we’re focused on the continued positive evolution of our culture in stride with our growth as a business.