Anna: Hey, everybody. It looks like we’ve got everyone on the line. Thank you guys so much for joining us today. We’re going to talk through “Five Ways to Improve your Local PPC Marketing.” So, my name is Anna Niles. I am a product marketing manager here at CallRail and I am joining Zack Bedingfield. He is our SEM manager.
Today’s Agenda
Yeah, essentially, these are the tips on, yeah, how to improve your local PPC marketing. What you see in front of you is kind of all the different categories that we’re going to go over. A lot of you are probably doing…I mean, you’re obviously doing some of these things like geo-targeting.
But really, as cliche as it sounds, you can kind of take it to the next level in a lot of ways. The beauty with AdWords and the dauntingness of AdWords is that you can both target super precisely when it comes to searches. But you can really get precise when it comes to doing a lot of these other things as well to, like, further segment down your market that you’re trying to target and, yeah, use a lot of these strategies.
Hopefully, there’s some new stuff that you don’t know.
Anna: Awesome. So, a couple of just quick stats here. So, obviously, PPC is very important. There’s different channels that are taken into consideration. So, it’s worth knowing that advertisers are planning to increase the average number of integrated data sources. Today is at 5.4 and it’s expected to increase to 6.2 in 2019, so just next year.
Zack: Yeah. And I’ll say that as both as a PPC guy who’s doing PPC for CallRail, and then as a CallRail user, I’m really using CallRail on a day-to-day basis as a data analytics tool. I’m using it to get more information for keywords, I’m using it to judge the success of the current keywords that I’m running. Conversions, obviously, at face value can be somewhat misleading sometimes.
Using stuff like CallScore, and I mean, I’m not purposely just trying to call out features, but things like CallScore and call intelligence, help me get a lot quicker insight into a lot of the data points that can sometimes be misleading.
By next year, 66% of digital advertising spend will go to Google Search, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. So, not a huge surprise there. Again, we will be talking a lot about the Google PPC today. And we’ll also be sending you some more details of the Facebook integration as well.
We’re going to talk mostly just about Google Ads today, but a lot of these strategies can be employed on Facebook similarly. Some of the more complicated bid adjustment strategies, I think maybe it’s specifically in regards to geos, you’re not going to be able to implement. But a lot of this, like, hyper-segmented, hyper-relevant messaging, when you break down your campaigns further and your targeting further, can be applied to other platforms.
Why do we want to focus on local specifically? It’s may come as some surprise, maybe not to some of you, but people often visit local businesses 7 times per month, and spend anywhere between 40% and 55% of their monthly budgets on local products and services. And we’ll get into more of the psychology of why that’s going on later, but it’s very, very important.
Clearly, a big chunk of money is spent locally. And then, of course, this day and age, everybody’s on their smartphones. So, 66% are going to be on their iPhone, their Android, whatever it may be, to discover those new local businesses. They’re going to trust a local business, especially when they’re in a new or unfamiliar area.
– And we don’t really have a segment on GMB or Google My Business specifically, but this is just going to… If anyone’s not using Google My Business, or your clients aren’t, I would suggest to get that done. One thing is that you can’t have any Google Map ads, unless your GMB account or client’s GMB account is connected to AdWords.
So, even just for the Google Maps ads, it’s worthwhile to get all that hooked up. I know it can sometimes be a hassle to get clients to do that, but, super important.
– Awesome. So, let’s go ahead and get right into it. So, we’re going to start with segmentation. I’m actually going to open it up with a poll here.
– Yeah, just to kind of get some familiarity with what level of complexity some people are using, or some people are at, rather. Yeah, like, I’m going to go into some hyper-segmentation type stuff, and layered targeting, and things like that. But, yeah, it seems like the majority of you are doing some type of segmentation. And there’s a small percentage who are unfamiliar, so this will be cool.
Really, segmenting just means breaking down, like, grouping, so we’re just going to be talking about grouping things. So, I think that’s good on the poll.
Segmenting by device
All right, right on. So, the first one’s going to be segmentation by device. So, we are breaking down our campaigns and we’re running a specific campaign for specific devices. A lot of the time, if you can…you’re going to have a lot of benefits in a lot of different ways. Obviously, we’re a call tracking company. So, we’d obviously advocate to…it’s going to help you better optimize when you’re trying to drive calls to your business, if that’s one of the primary KPIs that you’re kind of looking for.
It also allows you to optimize pretty much everything else. Maybe you have an initial campaign where you’re bidding on…let’s say, you’re a local flower shop, and you’re bidding on flower shops near me, flower shops nearby, etc., etc., and you don’t have it segmented out by device, you’re going to run in system issues later on in performance. So, what you want to start to do…and a lot of these tips are going to be two-fold, so it’s going to start as an observation tactic and then it’s going to move into, like, an actionable tactic.
So, for instance, you can look at the device performance before you end up breaking everything down. But when you do break everything down, then you’re going to start to get a lot of good insight. Maybe certain landing pages don’t work well on desktop, but they work really well mobile. Maybe I can get performance out of a campaign when I am running it just on mobile, if I run a lot of call-only ads.
Maybe my desktop conversions don’t really apply to mobile users. So, there’s a lot of benefit. You’re going to want to look at your search volume for a lot of these things on different devices. I end up not segmenting down to, like, the tablet, desktop, and mobile level. A lot of the time, I’ll just lump in computers and tablets together because a lot of time you don’t have that much tablet traffic. But that’s going to change on your vertical and your client, etc.
Segementing by demographics
The next one’s going to be like if you want to segment by demo. And there’s going to be, for anyone unfamiliar, demographic is just going to be, like, all these different categories that people can fall into: age, gender, parental status. And for anybody who’s dove into the Demographics tab in AdWords, you’ll be a bit more familiar.
It’s similar to devices. It’s kind of a two-fold approach, you can look at all of these different demos. So, we can look at the performance over a certain period of time and say, “Okay, we know that people within the age group of 35 to 44 are actually higher spenders for us.Their average order value is higher.They close more often.And subsequently, we can be more aggressive with our bids when it comes to that specific segment.”
And subsequently, as well, you can be less aggressive with certain segments. Maybe the average conversion rate for a younger group is lower and their average order size is lower. Really, the power comes when you start to layer in all of these other target methods. And it’s not just the… Down? Cool. It’s not just age, although you can see here, again, we’re talking about age.
I mean, I guess at the top here, you can actually see all of the difference demographics that are available on AdWords. And this changes dramatically when you get into Facebook, which is one of the cool things about Facebook targeting in comparison. But we’ve got…we can exclude household income, maybe we know we have a very high-ticket-price item and we know that lower-household incomes are just not going to be able to afford it.
So, we can improve the efficiency of our spend and the efficiency of our account when we start to exclude these types of audiences. Again, a lot of the time, it’s going to be really important to watch this stuff ahead of time. You don’t want to go in willy-nilly and say, “I think that my product’s only for rich people, or it’s only for kids, or etc., etc.” You want to watch how they’re performing, like, add in a lot of these things as observation targets, see how they’re performing, and then optimize your campaigns after the fact.
Another thing that they…I don’t know if this is brand new, or if it’s not brand new, but I know that our Google rep was talking to us about these recently. But layering in in-market audience segments as observation targets, so you can watch the performance. You can see that we don’t actually have any bid adjustments in place here.
You can add all these in, and then watch how they perform, and then utilize them the same way that you would utilize all the demo targeting. So, the same way that you would use age and household income, maybe your particular target market happens to be super into travel as well, maybe the in-market audience for home and garden is too expensive. So, you end up using that as a bid adjustment to bid down.
Layering in all these additional audiences and segmenting by these audiences is going to be super beneficial in the long run when you do see some trends that you can act on, because you could even target, like, a travel audience and then create a campaign just around that. So, yeah. Cool.
Segmenting by user category
Segmenting by user category. So, this is kind of, like, the terminology that I came up with to explain this. But for anybody not using Customer Match, you’re missing out. This applies more for business like ours, where I can take a list of our current customers and upload it and say, “Hey, don’t target these people.We don’t want to spend money on advertising to these people.”
But you could do the same thing if you, again, like, own, like, a local business, like a flower shop. Maybe your client owns said flower shop or a local car dealership and you can build-out…and this will kind of be tied back into when we talk about our RLSA. But you can start to build out these custom lists and then utilize them for hyper-relevant targeting.
So, again, more on this for RLSA. But, say, I’ve got a list of frequent buyers, I could upload this list of frequent buyers, maybe people who have given their email address because they want to have flower updates or something like that. And we can layer this, and upload this list, and then add bid adjustments to it.
We can also create our own one campaign to target that list specifically. Without going too much into RLSA, I’ll continue out of that. But, yeah, the beauty is being able to break down all these things. Slight technical difficulty, there we go. And then, yeah, you can actually create campaigns that target these lists specifically.
They don’t always have to be observation targets and they don’t always have to be bid-adjusted targets. And really, this is the RLSA bit that we’re going to talk about later. But we can take the list and say, “All right, anybody on the search who belongs to this list, let’s target them specifically with a particular ad, a particular deal, maybe a particular landing page that’s more relevant than if we were to not have segmented that group.”
Cool. So, the next one is geo-targeting. Everybody’s already doing this by default. But you can get more complicated with it. And complicated’s maybe not the best word, you can get more sophisticated with it. That’s a better place.
Say, I’m a business in Atlanta. And Atlanta, we use this because we’re here located in Atlanta. And say, I have customers in the greater downtown Atlanta area that I want to target, but my business is, whatever, really small and we happen to be in the middle of downtown Atlanta.
We don’t have to just set a radius around our business, we can utilize layered targeting like this to bid more aggressively in certain areas and bid less aggressively in others. So, this is a pretty simple example where I could layer and maybe I’ve got a bid adjustment on the smaller radius to maybe 15% or 20% and I’ve got a negative bid adjustment on the larger Atlanta targeting.
We can get even crazier with it, where we can start to target specific zip codes, and, like, different radiuses. Radii?
You can layer in all these things and get more complicated with it. Maybe I do know that anyone who’s immediately near my business is more likely to convert. So, I can layer in these bid adjustments to be more aggressive or less aggressive, or whatever I choose really. And again, it’s important, as you’re doing this sort of thing, to not just go by what you think is going to be best.
Obviously, we can make the assumption that people that are near the business are going to convert more often, especially, if it’s a business that gets a lot of foot traffic, but we want to watch these figures. We want to watch and confirm that this 20% bid increase for people that are near the business is actually returning a better return on my investment than if I were to be bidding less aggressively.
This one’s a little bit gross because the new AdWords interface is kind of garbage when it comes to geo-targeting, which I realized as I was trying to put these screenshots together. But for anybody not familiar, like, using negative geo-targeting, or opt-out targeting is a strategy that someone did, or someone did a big study about it.
And I’m going to try to find the link and we’ll try to include that in the resources that we send out. But they did a study where they actually saw that they saw increased search volume when they did opt-out targeting as opposed to opt-in. So, to explain it, it’s like, instead of me just targeting this Atlanta zip code that I want to target, let me target all of Georgia, for instance. And then let me negative out all the geos that aren’t the area that I’m trying to target.
Obviously, targeting all of Georgia is a little bit excessive, if my business is really targeting people in, like, a 20-mile range. But the concept still applies, like, despite whatever size business you’re actually trying to run. Ad scheduling. So, similar to all these other ones, ad scheduling is a pretty basic thing. But we can get more complicated with it when we want to start doing bid adjustments and the like.
A lot of people will start there at their ad scheduling journey, so to speak, when it comes to phone calls. And I really think that that’s what everybody should start doing, if they haven’t really dove in.
Scheduling when your ads run
Running ads, specifically with call extensions, or call-only ads only when you have people that are going to pick up the phone is your first step in this. We, I think, have people picking up the phone from around 8 a.m or 9 a.m until around 5:00 or 6:00. Maybe that changed recently, but I’m not sure. But subsequently, I only run call extensions during those times.
People can obviously still get to the website and call, but I don’t want to encourage it when I know they might have a less positive experience because nobody’s going to pick up. Similar to this, maybe you know that certain times of the day are more active. You have more people searching, you have higher competition, maybe your competitor knows that they can bid on your brand terms early in the morning because they know that there’s fewer searches, so they know they can actually pay a less expensive CPC if they bid during that time.
You can use ad scheduling and bid adjustments within ad scheduling to counteract that. Let me bid more aggressively during that time of the day specifically. And you can see, like, I just kind of outlined a potential segment out for the day. I do think in the new interface, there is a limitation on the number of segments you can do.
I don’t know if this is the max, but I think I had, like, two or three more in here and it was saying it was too many. That’s unfortunate. But I can imagine that Google is going to change that as they continue to improve on the new UI, which and still, I’m curious if anybody digs on the new UI. I’ve been using it more often and it’s starting to grow on me a little bit. Yeah, ad scheduling can be a powerful tool when you factor in…especially, if we’re talking about local businesses with foot traffic.
Maybe you’ve got a business that has a lot of foot traffic at one particular part of the day, maybe right when school lets out, or during the lunch hour, or something like that, let’s use ad scheduling to break down the times of the day that we want to be most aggressive with our bids.
RLSA: Remarketing List for Search Ads
RLSA. All right. So, for anybody unfamiliar with RLSA, it stands for remarketing lists for search ads.
Essentially, it’s allowing us to build out lists and then use them to target within search. So, maybe everybody who searches for a flower shop nearby, typically, will get your ad. But you could also then build out a remarketing list of everybody who’s been to your site within a certain period of time and then target them on search. So, now when they search for flower shop nearby, we can show them a specific ad, maybe bring them to a specific landing page, or maybe show them a specific offer.
Here, you can see, this is a CallRail user audience that consists of all the actual CallRail users. And we can run campaigns to specifically target this segment. So, maybe there’s a new feature that we want people to know about. Typically, I’m not going to be running ads to try and sell additional call tracking to people that are already using us, but I can run an ad that says, “Hey, like, we know you use CallRail, maybe you should try to use CallScore, maybe you should try to, excuse me, use this new feature that we just came out with that has personally been helping me a lot.”
I probably wouldn’t use those specific words or that particular language because it sometimes can get creepy. But I mean, you can use this to close more customers if you know that they’ve been on your site within the last seven days and then give them a new incentive, but also market to current customers and really use it to whatever end that you kind of need.
The beauty with a lot of these that I’ve gone over for improving your local PPC is that you can get as sophisticated or as simple as you’d like. You don’t have to layer in all these crazy targets and all these crazy bid adjustments. But, in an industry that’s getting more and more competitive, we have to continue to look for what can be our competitive edge. What can I do that this other business isn’t going to do so our PPC is better than theirs?
This kind of stuff can , yeah, really stand out when it comes to doing all that. So, really, it comes down, yeah, we’re creating sub-segments of our main audience to have hyper-relevant messaging. Whether that’s promo and current products or adding additional targets, or, excuse me, adding additional…like up-selling features or things like that. And now I think I’m going to pass it over to Anna and she’s going to talk about Local Swap, which is a new call tracking feature thing.
Anna: Awesome. Thanks, Zack. So, to Zack’s point, customization is clearly very, very important when you’re trying to target your customers locally. So, with that, we’re really excited to talk through Local Swap, which is a feature that was released about a month ago. And what Local Swap is, is it’s an enhancement to our existing dynamic number insertion capabilities.
And for those of you that don’t know what dynamic number insertion is, DNI, it is one of our more advanced features and functionalities, but it gives you the most insight into how you’re…who’s calling, first and foremost, the most important, but also what was the buyer’s journey. So, the DNI, just quick lesson, is basically a code snippet that you’re going to install on your site.
And then every time a user visits your site, we’re going to be able to track them based on that cookie. So, Local Swap is very similar, but it’s simply going to be a toggle under the DNI section of CallRail. And it’s simply going to automatically replace the phone number just as DNI does, but it’s going to be based on the caller’s geographic location, so it’s going to be based on the caller’s IP address.
– We have one question about Local Swap already. It’s only for website pools, right? Yea, there’s no other way to do it.
– Correct.
– And I should say, I believe is Bonnie that asked, yes, correct. Right now, it is only for website pools. We are looking to roll this out to be based on the campaign level, so we’ll keep you posted as that comes, that should be, I believe, in the next quarter. So, but I’ll keep you all posted. So this is what the interface looks like.
Again, feel free to dive in to your dynamic insertion if you have that set up already. Like I said, it’s this simple toggle, it’s really easy to set up. And what’s nice, we’ll talk about the benefits a little bit more, but beyond it being really easy to do, let’s say that you haven’t set up a pool of numbers.
Let’s say that maybe you’re trying to target people in Georgia and North Carolina, but you’re concerned that maybe someone else is calling from Chicago and you don’t want them to be concerned that they’re calling the wrong location if they see a Georgia area code. What you can do is, as it states here, you can have a toll-free number as sort of like a safety net, so that just in case, if there’s no matching area code, because you can’t predict everything and maybe you don’t want an area code for every state, that could get expensive, you can have, you know, a failsafe way of having a local, or…sorry, a toll-free number.
Then that’s sort of going to be the umbrella that these local numbers fall beneath. So, that’s just a really nice way to make sure that there’s no misattribution. So, here’s an example of how this could be set up within a campaign. So, I have a Florida Campaign and then a Direct Mailer. This little green icon is an indicator that the Local Swap is on.
Again, it’s just a really great way to trace back where your customers are coming from, what the buyer’s journey looked like. Beyond that, as Zack mentioned, the customization piece is really, really important. There’s, you know, tons of statistics out there, but things like, for example, 86% of people are going to feel more comfortable and more inclined to call a business if they recognize that area code.
They’re going to feel a little bit more confident, a little bit more secure. Sorry about that. And so, it’s going to increase your conversion rates because they’re going to be more likely to place that call. Beyond that, you’re going to be able to maximize those campaign efforts by tying these conversions back to a specific call.
Then, also, you know, creating that localized presence is really going to foster trust for your customers. They want to know, “Hey, I’m reaching the right location,”but beyond that, maybe you want to have a national presence and you want to appear to be a little more, you know, expansive, as far as your offerings go.
You have total control as far as how localized you appear, or how, you know, globally, you appear based on how you configure your Local Swap. So, again, really easy to do that. Okay, so you guys have been sending a lot of questions. I’m going to take this time now to see if anyone else has any more and we can sort of talk through these.
I know Zack’s been answering some people, but we’ll give you all a few more minutes to ask any additional questions, and then I’ll go ahead and launch one more poll. Hopefully, I can figure out how to do this. User error.
– Anna, well, you can just launch the poll now. There’s really, like, only a few questions, though. I think I’ve answered a bunch of them.
– Cool.
– First one was about, “Do you know how Google gets their data for age and household income?” I have no idea. Oh, yeah, we got this poll going on the meantime. I assume that it’s done with, like, the Nielsen data, that same kind of data that was used for, like, the TV stations and all that. How they get that data, I do not know. But, yeah, I mean, it’s useful to, like…at least as an observation target.
Again, with all these different targeting options, really, like, stage one is you can just add them all in and see how they perform. Sometimes hyper-segmentation, you can go too far with segmentation. If you don’t have any mobile traffic, for instance, maybe don’t break out all your campaigns into desktop and mobile. Same goes for breaking down maybe like an in-market audience tool, or an in-market audience, like breaking down into new campaigns.
You don’t really want to target…break down a new entire campaign, and then target towards people in the in-market audience for travel, unless you know that there’s a significant volume there. Hyper-segmentation can, at points, start to kind of… Are we in the right screen here?
– Mm-hmm.
– Cool, yeah. Hyper segmentation can kind of overcomplicate your accounts if you’re not careful. So, it’s always something to look at. “Any more tips about customer list targeting?” I’d really say it’s a big thing on saving money. If you know that there’s, like, a certain segment of users that you have their information, make sure you’re applying it and you’re not bidding on that traffic.
I know, again, that applies more so to a lot of these, like, SAS companies, or maybe some type of online marketplace. But, say, maybe you’re running an e-commerce store for somebody local, and this could also apply to Facebook as well, but you can upload a list and then…I guess Facebook is specifically where a good one would be. Take a list of everybody who has already bought stuff from you and upload that list to Facebook, and then you could do look-alikes there.
Also there’s similar audiences on Google that you can start to get insight for. If you have a list that’s big enough, you can upload that list, get a similar audience list, and then add the similar audience list as an observation target. I think they’re eventually going to add…I don’t know how many of y’all are familiar, there’s a new beta as well called custom intent audiences and it allows you to do this.
It’s just for video right now, but they’re apparently going to expand it out to search. But custom intent audiences allow you to target people with video who have searched for certain queries, but they never actually clicked on your website. So, it’s like a new way of remarketing to people when they actually don’t click on anything, which is pretty cool.
Kind of like it leans toward that, like, that little bit of intrusiveness that we don’t really like these days, but it’s a cool thing if you’re, like, just helping customers. If someone searches for what is call tracking, and they don’t come to the website, I’m happy to show them a video that kind of explains it, etc., etc.
1. How do you opt-out of a radius area in geo-targeting?
I think you can just do it on their exclusions. That might be a limitation. I was speaking to somebody else in the questions about the new geo options. I think you should be able to just add a radius and exclude it. I’m pretty positive I’ve done that before. My complicated geo days are…I haven’t been recently because I’m just using whatever advertising for CallRail. But I know most of us, when we’ve been in agencies, and they’ve got a bunch of different clients, we’re going to be obviously running a bunch of crazy geos.
But I would check out the Exclusion tab. I know it’s easy to do, like, bulk exclusions with zip codes, and states, and things like that in cities. But if it’s not available in the new UI, I would say go back to the old UI and I think it’s definitely there. “Would this apply to swapping on things like GMB?For instance, if someone searched for gutter companies near me, would a local number show up in that listing?”
They have two locations.
– Yeah, so that’s a good question. So, a local number would show up, but it is important to note that you don’t want to purchase the numbers. It’s not city-specific. So, for example, for Atlanta, we have 404, 678, 770. I wouldn’t want to purchase all of those because there’s no way to actually distinguish which of those areas they’re calling from.
So, we recommend just to purchase one zip… Sorry, area code per state and then that’s going to be your best bet for attributing your leads.
2. When I sign up for a CallRail account, can I use one account for multiple clients, or one client per account?
Yes, so we definitely recommend utilizing Account Center. And that’ll enable you to have a single login, then have a bunch of different clients under one account if you’d like. Of course, you can have one single account per client separately, but we recommend, as far as ease, to definitely just utilize Account Center. And I can include some information on that as well.
3. What do you see as general conversion for local businesses from clicks to phone calls?
I’m not positive I understand your question, feel free to resubmit if you think you can be more concise with it. General conversion for local businesses from clicks to phone calls. I guess it may be for questions about, like, what do I see is, like, the types of conversions that a local business can have, clicks to phone calls.
What I’ve done historically is added some, like, forms to customer websites. A lot of the time, it doesn’t really make sense, but a lot of time, it does make sense. So, I remember a long time ago, I ran a campaign for a nail salon. And we added a form on the nail salon lander that had some type of authentication, but it was to get some deal.
It’s the kind of thing where customers are a little bit… Like, obviously, if you’re running CallRail or a different call tracking solution, and you’re running your campaigns, you can see which calls are being generated from PPC. But a lot of the foot traffic, you can’t necessarily quantify and things like that. So, one of the tips is to, yeah, have something like an offer on the website that people can submit that will be the only place they could have got there from because a lot of these websites don’t have much of an organic presence.
So, that’s one. Yeah, by adding some forms to the site for, like, some deals. A lot of these local businesses, it is going to be phone calls. But, yeah, that’s going to be one. You can also start to do stuff, like, maybe you have a click a page for how to get directions, you can set up a GTM event to fire whenever someone clicks on that button, or you could have it, like, just on a certain page so, like, whenever somebody gets to our directions page, have a conversion fire there.
And you can measure value there as well. Just going through some… Yeah. Somebody made a comment about the UI. Yeah, it’s missing all this stuff. So, I don’t understand.
4. What’s one technique you’ve used that has most benefited your AdWords results?
It’s a good question. I feel like I’m going to give a bad-ish answer, because I’m going to just say, like, organization. Organization and attention to detail. Really, like, for anybody who’s been in PPC for a minute, the value of a really nice campaign comes down to, like, structure and organization, hyper-segmentation so that you have super-relevant messaging.
I mean, I’m just repeating myself from earlier, but super-relevant messaging for different things. Let’s make sure that if someone is searching for CallRail pricing, that we have specific ads that reference our pricing, same thing for reviews or other questions. Watch out, like, keep an eye on and have good organizational tactics for being able to pull mass reports.
Something like, let me look and see how this one group of keywords has been performing over time. Let me see how this one group of keywords is performing over time on this specific device. What about within this one in-market audience? Kind of watching those trends and then adjusting your strategy accordingly. And if I was going to say anything for someone to just focus on constantly, don’t forget about just going through your search term reports.
Whether you’re doing it manually, or you’re running a script to continually add new negatives, maybe you think you’ve got your market locked down on the negative front, don’t think that. Something new can come out every single day. Maybe there’s some new app on Cartoon Network that’s going to come out and it’s going to just blow up your cost because kids are searching for something that we’ve never heard of.
Just pay attention to your search term reports.
– And Bonnie says she can answer that question. She said, “Listen to the calls and be sure they are being handled properly, which so many aren’t.Major problem with local home service businesses.” So, couldn’t agree more. That’s where our call recording comes in hugely. So, a little shameless self-promotion there.
You can dive in and listen, and make sure that your calls are being handled properly. And then with CallRail's Transcriptions, which automatically transcribes those conversations, you can easily absorb that information and make sure, you know, your employees are sticking to a script or offering the correct promotions, things like that.
5. When we sort calls to show uniques, to remove duplicates, does that mean a call came from that number at any time, like three months ago, or only the timeframe of our report?
I am not exact…okay, so maybe you’re asking about unique callers.
– I mean, if you want to email Anna, she can look into whatever afterwards.
– Yeah, I’m direct messaging some of you, so, if you guys have any other follow-up questions, please feel free to email me, as far as product-related Local Swap questions go. And then Zack is our, obviously, PPC master. So, if you just want to, like, chat through pro-tips and whatnot, he is
6. Do you use heat mapping tools like Hotjar or Mouseflow?
We use FullStory, which will record individual sessions so that we can watch, click paths, and things like that. It doesn’t do any eye-tracking or anything like that. But that will give us insights into like, “Okay, this person came down, they started to fill out this form, and they abandoned.” FullStory is also local. So, we recommend using FullStory if you haven’t used it.
And, yeah, somebody also mentioned that the… whatever, you can’t do negative radii right now in either the new interface or the old interface, which sucks, and I feel like they probably just removed it at some point. But you can still do other exclusions. So, you can still start to do exclusions for zips, exclusions for cities. And then you can do, like, I guess, for whoever asked this question, Kelly, I think what we can do if we want to do, essentially, like a negative radius, we could target that radius, and then do negative bid adjustments.
That kind of accomplishes, like, a similar thing, but obviously, not in the exact way that we’d like it to. But I’m thinking that they might just add it back in. It seems dumb not to, but their current iteration of the UI so bad for geos. Yes, and there will be a way to access this webinar later on. We will send it to everybody.
So, I think we got through pretty much everything. So, yeah, cool. Thanks to you, everybody, for your questions, and your help, and all that stuff, and for attending, and listening to us. We hope you took something out of it positive.
Yeah, thank you all. Again, we’ll be sending this out and feel free to email myself or Zack with any other feedback or questions you guys have.
Cool beans. Thanks, guys. Bye.
Later, everybody.