Facebook and CallRail are an even better team with new reporting


Dan Wakefield
April 8, 2020

In our continuing efforts to be responsive to our users’ needs, we’re happy to announce an improvement to our Facebook integration: we are now sending offline events as “Lead” instead of “Other”, meaning that users will be able to take full advantage of Facebook’s campaign management capabilities.

Users will now have stronger options when choosing the “Leads” optimization within Facebook for calls, forms, and texts coming from CallRail. Instead of seeing activity as “Other Offline Events” in your Facebook reporting, it will now appear under “Offline Leads.”

If you’ve already been using the Facebook integration, you will not need to take any action unless you want to try this new feature immediately upon its release. If you’d like to try our new reporting out, go to your active Facebook integration page within CallRail. You will see the checkbox pictured below, and opting in is as easy as clicking the box to turn it on and then selecting “Update” at the bottom of the page.

It’s also important to note that this improvement will only affect activity moving forwards and will not be retroactive, so previous offline events from CallRail will still be categorized as “Other” within Facebook. But for any activity we provide henceforth, we’re very excited to be able to better serve our users by providing a feature that so many people have requested.

For general information on CallRail’s Facebook integration, check out our help article on the subject.