Measure PPC performance better with CallRail’s Kenshoo integration


Melissa Garner
April 5, 2018

What is Kenshoo?

Kenshoo is a premium integrative solution that allows you to manage and automate your marketing strategy so you can properly attribute ROI to your SEM campaigns.

How does the Kenshoo Integration with CallRail work? How do people typically use it?

Marketers rely heavily on accurate conversion data to optimize their campaigns but can miss out on one crucial PPC conversion method: phone calls. With our Kenshoo integration, CallRail users can efficiently manage campaign data all in one place and see a more complete view of the customer journey.

Without integrated call tracking, you’re only optimizing bids based off of online conversions. Adding this integration to your arsenal helps you account for offline call conversions, so you can optimize search, social, mobile and display advertising in one easy place.

CallRail’s Kenshoo integration allows you to:

  • Automatically send call conversions to your Kenshoo account
  • Send data via a CSV to a secure FTP server hosted by Kenshoo
  • Set custom conversion requirements within Kenshoo and CallRail

Using dynamic number insertion, CallRail’s Kenshoo integration identifies the traffic sources, campaigns, and keywords that are driving phone calls to your business. CallRail then pulls detailed call analytics into your Kenshoo dashboard with a click ID URL (similar to Google’s Gclid) to give you a side-by-side of call tracking numbers with campaigns.

Read more: Thinking outside the platform box: How PPC agencies can optimize businesses, not just campaigns

What are the most common ways this integration is used? Why?

Marketers use this integration to automate their PPC efforts. CallRail’s Kenshoo integration allows a full understanding of which campaign efforts are resulting in phone calls, opportunities, and sales. If you’re using Conversation Intelligence, only identified qualified leads are sent as conversions into Kenshoo. This integration will automatically reallocate your budget to ads resulting in the highest number of phone call conversions. Mapping all calls to the PPC keywords that drove them, call tracking with Kenshoo allows marketers to get the most out of their campaigns.

If you’re a data-driven marketer ready to power up your business with advanced call tracking and analytics, you can start today: Request a personalized demo of CallRail or start your 14-day free trial.