The marketing tools available to you today are much more diverse and complex than they were years ago. Most businesses will leverage a variety of different marketing methods in order to generate leads and conversions. But how do you know which of these marketing platforms are the most effective? Which options give you the greatest return on your investment?
Most companies with web marketing strategies are already using numerous analytics tools in order to track the performance of their website. While these analytics can give you a great deal of detailed, actionable data, they can’t paint the entire picture of how successful your marketing efforts are. In fact, since they don’t evaluate phone leads from your website, these analytics tools can’t even provide you with call tracking metrics that show the total number of leads being generated by your website.
If you aren’t using call tracking, you’re missing out on a wealth of data that can significantly improve your marketing efforts. By using call tracking metrics, you can compile important data about the phone leads you receive from the various marketing platforms used as part of your campaign. This will help you optimize your marketing channels so that you get the best possible return on your marketing dollars.
What marketing channels are ideal for call tracking?
You can use call tracking to compile important data on the phone leads you receive from just about every aspect of your marketing campaign:
- Pay per click (PPC) Google Ads (AdWords) campaigns
- Print marketing
- Web marketing
- Television marketing
- Billboard marketing
- Direct mail marketing
- Email marketing
Ideally, you’ll want to use a different call tracking number for each marketing platform and campaign so that you can more accurately evaluate performance through marketing tracking. For instance, assigning a specific phone number to a Google Ads campaign, another for a set of Facebook ads, and so on for Twitter, LinkedIn, email marketing, etc. This will not only allow you to see how well your marketing campaigns are performing, but it will also give you an idea of which types of campaigns are the most successful for your business, allowing you to better plan ahead for the future.
What can call tracking metrics tell me?
Call tracking metrics provide you with valuable marketing campaign data beyond just how many calls come from each of the marketing platforms in your campaign. This data gives you the type of detailed information that can help you streamline your marketing efforts and maximize your ROI. For instance, call metrics such as call duration and caller location provide strong statistical data on the overall effectiveness of marketing and outreach efforts.
For example, if your business places a heavy emphasis on PPC advertising to generate leads, call tracking metrics can help you determine which landing pages generate the most calls and which ones need to be improved. You can use call tracking metrics to track the success of different keywords used in your PPC campaign. If you’re not gathering this type of data, you will never truly know how to refine your marketing efforts to maximize your success.
What call tracking metrics should I pay attention To?
The following call tracking metrics will help you get the most out of your marketing efforts:
Call volume
At its most basic level, call tracking records the number of calls you receive, eliminating the need for you to manually track this data yourself. You can receive detailed reports regarding call patterns, allowing you to gather gain a more thorough understanding of your ROI. For example, you can see which times of day yield the most calls, which days of the week leave your phone ringing off the hook and which callers frequently contact your business. All of this is incredibly valuable information that you can use to your advantage in a number of ways including optimizing your marketing strategies.
Your call volume can also be categorized into various marketing campaign metrics reports. For example, you can segment PPC campaigns from email or offline campaigns. This gives your business the ability to drill down to get very accurate and insightful data on a specific marketing campaign’s effectiveness and overall ROI.
First-time callers
Since call tracking keeps track of all incoming calls, you’re able to track first-time callers who are reaching out to you. This is an extremely important metric you’ll want to pay attention to to better qualify leads and nurture your callers down the funnel to eventually convert them into loyal customers. This KPI also shows you which marketing strategies are bringing in new calls to your business.
Call Duration
Not all calls are equally valuable. Some calls are likely to yield better leads than others. In general, the longer the call, the more likely it is to turn into a quality lead. After all, why would a prospect waste so much time talking to your team if they weren’t interested in your product or service? Call tracking metrics provide you with the length of each call, allowing you to determine which campaigns, keywords, PPC landing pages, and ads generate longer, more meaningful conversations — and most likely the best potential leads.
Like the call volume metric, call duration reports can be filtered to show specific data about a call. For example, if your company has a minimum call length that is considered a quality lead (filtering out quick spam calls, wrong numbers, etc.) then the reportable data is going to be much more accurate and actionable, especially if your business gets a lot of robo calls that could skew the data. Tracking the duration of incoming calls is a great way to quickly identify your hottest leads and filter out the callers who aren’t worth your time.
Call time of day and location
While PPC campaigns allow you to change bids by time of day and location, call tracking metrics can tell you what time of day and what locations result in the largest percentage of conversions. You can use this information to adjust your bids accordingly, allowing you to make the most of your PPC dollars. For example, if the data is showing a business receives its best lead calls on Monday afternoons, you can increase your ad budget for that time frame. Alternatively, if you know your Friday afternoon calls don’t lead to conversions, the ad bid could be adjusted down during those hours.
PPC Landing Page Performance
Prospects typically have two options when visiting your PPC landing page: They can either fill out a contact form or pick up the phone to call you. Without call tracking, you will only be able to gather data about the number of forms filled out. In many instances, this could make it seem like your PPC conversion rate is much lower than it actually is.
By tracking phone calls received from your landing page, you get a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of your campaign. Call tracking metrics can give you a great deal of data regarding your landing page performance, including which pages:
- Generate the most calls
- Generate the greatest number of quality leads
- Achieve the highest call conversion rates
- Result in the most new customers
Using call tracking metrics to identify performance issues
Wouldn’t it be great to know which members of your sales team are the most effective at converting leads into customers? Call tracking metrics can tell you what percentage of leads each member of your team actually converts into sales. This data is extremely valuable and can help you:
- Determine which team members should receive the most calls
- Determine the training needs of your sales team
- Evaluate the performance of team members with regard to raises, promotions, and dismissals
You can also get valuable insight into the performance of different PPC campaigns. Knowing that one PPC keyword group achieves conversions at a 75% rate and another PPC keyword group only achieves conversions at a 45% rate can help you determine which keyword group is the most valuable for you. It can also help you identify whether adjustments need to be made for the campaign associated with the poorer performing keyword group.
Call tracking services from callRail
CallRail offers a wide range of call tracking services to help you optimize your marketing efforts. When you use our call tracking services, you have the ability to leverage many of the aforementioned call metrics in order to gather the necessary detailed, actionable data to make important decisions about how you allocate your marketing resources. (insert line space here in blog)
We offer both source-level call tracking and visitor-level call tracking to cover all aspects of your marketing campaigns. Ultimately, this information will help you increase sales and revenue to ensure the ongoing success of your business.