Google has made another announcement about call extensions this week. In an email sent Monday, Google said they’ll be automatically adding call extensions to ads that don’t have them running when a phone number is featured “prominently” on the landing page.
How “prominent” does a phone number have to be to qualify? We’re not sure, but if the previous announcement about call extensions pulling location-specific numbers from GMB is any indication, it likely means a number will get pulled into most ads.
If you’re not looking to pay for calls directed to the number on your landing page, you’ll have to opt-out of this new feature to prevent numbers from showing past February 6th. That said, you still have the option of overriding or removing these call extensions from any campaign or ad group you’d like.
This is a big distinction that’s worth noting. Yes, this will ultimately be a hassle for some advertisers that don’t want to ever show numbers, but advertisers still have the freedom to adjust and run their campaigns how they’d like.
This distinction stands in contrast to the announcement earlier in the week about location-specific numbers being pulled from GMB that may override call extension numbers.
For advertisers using dynamic number insertion on their sites (swapping out numbers per session to track calls generated at a keyword-level), Google will not be automatically pulling a number and adding it as a call extension. If you’re unfamiliar with DNI and how it can benefit your campaigns, you can read more here.