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Imagine that you’re hosting a party. You created a list of people, invited them over, and were pleased to realize that a decent amount of them actually showed up.

Your work is done, right? Not exactly. That was only part of the process — now you need to take their coats, offer them beverages, and generally ensure they have a good time at your get-together.

The same can be said for lead generation and lead nurturing for your business. Sure, getting potential customers in the door is a critical step, but it’s not the whole picture. Just because you’ve piqued their interest doesn’t mean they’ll actually become a customer or client.

Businesses need to effectively nurture those relationships and guide people toward a sale, and that’s tough to do without any information to lean on.

That’s why businesses that want to close more deals can’t just rely on call tracking alone. While call tracking gives them valuable insights into where their potential customers are coming from and what marketing channels are working, it doesn’t tell them what to do once those contacts have actually arrived at the party.

You need a communications solution that doesn’t just show you your leads and their sources, but also where they are in the journey, what interactions you’ve already had, and how you can use that information to engage with them more effectively.

Enter Lead Center. It’s the perfect complement to CallRail’s Call Tracking. Here are four reasons why these two are better together.

1. Engage customers with more targeted conversations

Today’s customers expect brands to know their history with a company. Have they made a purchase before? Have they had any sales or customer service interactions? What questions have they asked? What products have they expressed interest in? Have they shared any objections or concerns?

Without those answers in your back pocket, you’ll have to approach every conversation completely cold without any context.

That’s not only frustrating and impersonal for your customers, but it’s also a missed opportunity for your business. You’re unable to customize the experience or refer back to previous conversations that could demonstrate superior service and a high level of engagement in that potential customer. They might as well be a perfect stranger at your party.

When a call or contact comes in, Lead Center automatically provides a real-time history and timeline of a customer’s interactions with your business so you can immediately get a grasp on their journey and tailor your strategy and your messaging accordingly (rather than having to dig for that data or receive it after the conversation takes place). It takes the guesswork out of lead nurturing and delivers a better experience for your customers.

2. Increase transparency across your team

Perhaps one person on your team has been working closely with a potential customer for a while now—maybe a few weeks or even a few months. They’ve had numerous conversations and are confident that they’re steps away from converting that prospect to a paying customer.

And then? The team member is out of the office the day the customer calls back. Or they’re out on parental leave. Or maybe they even exit your business entirely.

Without the right business communications solution in place, that opportunity and the progress that has been made will disappear alongside that team member. Even if somebody else tries to step in and get the sale over the finish line, their lack of shared history and knowledge puts them at a distinct disadvantage — especially if there was a high level of trust established between that potential customer and your team member.

There’s a better way. Lead Center pulls all of your incoming, active, and recent calls, texts, chats, and form submissions into a single inbox and a shared workspace. Siloed conversations are gone, so any one of your team members can step in, get an immediate understanding of what’s happening with a customer, and then pick up on engaging them — without missing a beat (or a detail).

3. Make the most of every potential opportunity

From texts or calls to form submissions and live chats, there are a number of ways that your prospective and existing customers can reach your business. That variety helps you cast a wider net, but it also makes it far easier for people and conversations to slip through the cracks.

Any time something gets skipped or overlooked, that’s a missed opportunity (not to mention missed revenue) for your business.

Lead Center plugs the hole in the bottom of the bucket by pulling all of your contacts and conversations together into one centralized spot. No more losing them between various tools, platforms, and spreadsheets — they’re all right there for you to identify, track, and engage with.

4. Boost productivity and prevent tool fatigue

Technology is a huge boost for teams, but constantly switching between tools can waste time and even make people feel frazzled and exhausted.

When your sales or marketing team member needs to go to one platform to find the contact, another platform to learn about them, and yet another platform to take notes about the interaction, it results in a clunky workflow that’s ripe for errors.

Lead Center allows your team to get all of this done within one solution. Not only does it compile all of your customer contacts and their history into a single inbox, but it also allows you to respond to their outreach with only one click. You can take calls, send texts, and reply to form submissions and chats, all directly from the platform.

No more clicking around aimlessly between tools. Your team can stay within this single contact management solution and focus more time and energy on what matters most: closing more sales.

Don’t leave people waiting at the door

You wouldn’t host a party and then expect your guests to find their own way inside and fend for themselves. You know that you need to be a good host, help them enjoy themselves, and maybe even make them want to come back again.

The same holds true for your business. Generating interest is important, but what matters even more is what you do with them once you’ve captured their attention.

While call tracking will give you important information about where your customers are coming from so you can tailor your marketing strategies, Lead Center will help you get the full picture to nurture those relationships, improve interactions, streamline your team’s workflows, and ultimately boost your conversions.

**Ready to get started? Start your free trial of Lead Center today. **

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