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Join us for a webinar with SEMPO, the largest non profit organization for the search and digital marketing industry. Hosted by CallRail’s Director of Partnerships, Mark Sullivan, this webinar will focus on how search marketers can best retain SMB clients.

More on the webinar event:

They don’t have time. They’re usually fulfilling more than one role at their company. They know marketing is important and they’re bombarded, everyday, with solicitations from multiple vendors. The average small-to-medium-sized business is contacted three-to-five times per week by a salesperson pitching some sort of marketing product or service. These salespeople have good reason to be hounding SMBs — all indications point to the fact that SMBs are finally opening their wallets to pay for online marketing.

2016 will be another banner year for local media expenditure on the part of small to medium businesses, with investment exceeding well above $50 billion. Much of this figure will be put toward online marketing in some form, including display ads, pay-per-click, online directories, social media, and local SEO. The question is–How can search marketers best retain SMB clients?  Answer–By using better KPIs to prove their value.

Attendees will learn:

  • The size of the (growing) market opportunity for servicing SMBs
  • How to properly set expectations with SMB clients
  • How to use lower-funnel KPIs to prove marketing performance