Marketo’s Revvie Awards
Early last November, we received an email from our Marketo implementation consultant encouraging us to apply for a 2016 Revvie Award. The Revvie Awards recognize members of the Marketo community who are leveraging Marketo to drive the next era of marketing. The specific category our consultant referenced is The Stack Master award, which was created to recognize the power of Marketing Technology. So we decided to go for it and share our story with the Marketo Marketing Nation, and now you!
Integrating our Marketing Stack
CallRail successfully integrated Marketo with a variety of marketing technology applications, including our own call tracking analytics product. This deployment and evolution of our marketing technology stack has contributed to our company’s success in a huge way. We are able to track lead activity through Marketo and leverage other technologies to use that information in the most effective manner. Having so many moving parts flow in such a collaborative fashion has changed the way we do business. More specifically, this martech stack drove a 50% increase in leads and 20% increase in conversions.
Our martech stack drove a 50% increase in leads and 20% increase in conversions.
We went from having siloed databases to building a powerhouse of a system that has drastically streamlined workflows of every department, but most notably that of the Marketing, Sales, and Client Success teams. Not only has this infrastructure increased departmental efficiency but it has amplified visibility and collaboration across departments.
Baby Got Stack
Along with our written submission, we were given the opportunity to create a video that further communicates why we should be deemed The Stack Master. As we sat around our conference room table discussing the frames, props, and cast of our documentary-like video, it hit us that we really needed to create something more…. CallRail. We had a ton of fun molding our martech functionality into a highly entertaining music video that you can check out below. Trust us, it’s worth the watch.
Several weeks ago we were named a finalist in The Stack Master category and we couldn’t have been more excited to get this news. The Revvie winners will be announced live at the Marketing Nation Summit next month in Las Vegas. Stay tuned and cheers to having something to celebrate!